Hekiganroku - Case 66: Ganto and the "Sword" Ganto asked a monk, "Where have you come from?" The monk said, "From Saikyo [1]." Ganto said, "After Koso [2] was gone, did you get his sword?" The monk said, "Yes, I got it." Ganto stuck out his neck, approached the monk, and said, "Ka!" The monk said, "The Master's head has already fallen." Ganto laughed loudly. Later, the monk came to Seppo. Seppo asked, "Where have you come from?" The monk said, "From Ganto." Seppo asked, "What did he say?" The monk told him what had happened. Seppo gave him thirty blows with his stick and drove him away. [1] The western capital of the Tang Dynasty. [2] A rebel who -- according to a legend -- received a sword from heaven on which it was inscribed, "Heaven gives Koso this sword." He conquered Saikyo in 880, but was killed four years later.